Thursday, 21 March 2013

Importance of Benfotiamine, L-Theanine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, MSM, SAMe L-Carnitine Tartrate

Various natural elements like Benfotiamine, L-Theanine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, MSM, SAMe L-Carnitine Tartrate are important for increasing body metabolism. These are available in the form of safe and dependable supplements which can be consumed in certain amounts as per doctor’s advice. Below given the importance of these substances:


Benfotiamine is obtained out of thiamine which is actually a part of B-vitamin. Thiamine has a major as far as nerve function, energy and digestion are concerned. It has a vital role to play pertaining to metabolism of sugar. You can take in Benfotiamine 150mg supplements as these are easily digested as well as highly absorbable and stay longer in the peripheral tissues of the body.  

Benfotiamine supports the digestion of carbohydrates and food. It also supports the desirable by products associated to sugar metabolism. It even slows the formation of the age associated glycation end products that can be caused by aging. It also helps to maintain the healthy endothelial function and necessary for the healthy functioning of heart as well.


Theanine is a material that is obtained from the tea leaves. It has the ability to lessen stress, improve focus and mood. Various researches indicate that it is effective and safe as well. L-Theanine 200 MG supplement is relaxing for the mind. It also reduces cholesterol. It can improve the efficiency of the cancer treatments by reducing the total amount of cancer drug which are present in the healthy cells while giving emphasis on cancerous cells.  


Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid which is a part of bio-chemical mixture of acetylcholine. Without this no one can learn or memorize anything. It provides enough nutrition to the brain. When it is taken simultaneously with other supplements it provides synergistic effects showing signs of combating the oxidative alterations in human body that causes aging.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine500 mg is one of the first neutron-transmitters. It is known for its role in safeguarding an appropriate operation of the human brain. It basically enables human brain cells to generate adequate memory power as well as to converse precisely.

MSM 1000mg

Methyl Sulfonyl Methane or MSM 100mg supplements help in keeping the joints healthy. This is the sulfur containing molecule. This is the major building block of cartilage, skin, joints, nails, hair etc. It is used by numerous structural molecules of the body. It gives comfort to the joints as well as backs the normal motion.  

SAMe 200mg

SAMe is normally produced by humans from methionine, an amino acid. However as human body ages their ability to produce this reduces. Therefore supplement SAMe 200 mg is beneficial. Its USP is its safety.  In case you are using anti depressants then consult a doctor prior to consuming this. It can boost the efficiency of protoglycans which is important for joint lubrication

L-Carnitine Tartrate

L-Carnitine Tartrate is one of the best dietary supplements. It is non toxic and can be well absorbed by young and old. It is a varied molecule. It contributes to the normal metabolism functioning. It can improve energy as well as help prevent various heart problems and slow down aging process.  It is a healthy diet supplement.

Know more about Curcumin C-3 complex, 5HTP, Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10, Glucosamine

There are certain elements which are naturally produced in our body. However due to our lifestyles imbalances might occur. In order to cover up the paucity one need to consume supplements as per the advice of the physician. Below given are such elements and their importance in detail: 

5HTP otherwise referred to as 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid through which neurotransmitter serotonin is made. It is a naturally occurring amino acid. Serotonin plays important roles in several body functions such as pain control, in sleep, intestinal peristalsis, emotional moods and inflammation. Any imbalances in serotonin may cause pain, morning stiffness, disturbances in sleep, headaches, bad appetite and mood disorders. Usually this kind of imbalance is caused due to the way the modern lifestyle has been. This stressed filled-era has brought about such lifestyles and the diets also being not proper had resulted in lower levels of serotonin within the brain. 5-HTP 100 mg capsules are used to increase such low level of serotonin.

Curcumin C-3 complex

Demethoxy curcumin, Bisdemethoy curcumin and Curcumin, the unique composition of these three health promoting, bioactive curcuminoids is referred to as Curcumin C-3 complex .It provides with a wide variety of heath advantages such as joint related problems, digestive support, controlling obesity, breaking down fats and so on. It offers optimal protection and veracity to the biological systems. Curcumin C3 Complex is regarded as the Bioprotectant. The ingredients per supplement include Black pepper fruit, Turmeric root, etc.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba has been in use since long for thousands of years.  Its benefits include the improvement of memory, altitude sickness, eye disorders due to age factor, premenstrual syndrome and treatment of decreased physical performance, headache, dizziness, depression, anxiety etc. However it should be used with caution especially among patients with blood circulation disorders and those patients taking anticoagulants. Have Ginkgo Biloba 120mg which would bring in lot of benefits to the body. 


 CoQ10 100mg or Coenzyme Q10, is used for its antioxidant properties and its utility in naturally lowering blood pressure, maintaining good heart conditions, increase energy levels and boost immune system. This naturally occurs in lots of food we consume such as in fish and meat. This is good for athletes, for people recovering from cancer treatment, those people with chronic fatigue syndrome and elderly or aged people.


Glucosamine naturally occurs in the body which helps in building cartilage that cushions the joints in a body.  With age the production of glucosamine reduces ion the body, thus supplementation would be helpful. Glucosamine 750mg supplements are useful to people with osteoarthritis.  Since there is no food source for glucosamine, thus whatever is required must be taken from supplements. Most supplements are made from chitin, the hard outer shells of lobsters, crabs and shrimp. It is also available in other forms for individuals allergic to shellfish. 

All these above mentioned elements are required for healthy functioning of body. With doctor’s advice you can consume them in the prescribed amounts the supplements manufactured by reputed a firm.

R-alpha lipoic acid, Pycnogenol , Milk Thistle Forskolin, Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength - Beneficial natural health supplements

Consume naturally derived supplements form various trees and plants which are highly beneficial to various parts of the body as well as would prevent certain diseases or cure many of them much effectively than synthetic drugs. So buy the product manufactured by a reputed firm. 

R-alpha lipoic acid 

R-alpha lipoic acid is an anti-oxidant that is known to counteract various types of oxygen radicals and associated molecules. It has been applied for diseases like cancer, cataract, DNA damages, change in taste, Parkinson’s diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, dementia etc. R-alpha lipoic acid 100mg can be used for various diseases under doctor’s advice. 


Pycnogenol is derived from the bark of French pine tree. It is a natural herbal supplement. It provides antioxidants that can help you in the repairing destroyed skin cells that cause the skin to age or make it red or spoiled due to exposure to UV radiation. Consuming Pycnogenol 100mg also neutralizes high blood pressure caused by stress as well as strengthens blood capillaries and vessel walls preventing the cause of blood clots. It is beneficial to diabetic patients too.  

Milk Thistle  

Milk Thistle provides a natural flavonoid complex called silymarin. It is highly advantageous for liver tissues. It is a plant grown in the Mideterranean region. Its seeds consist of Silymarin. It can protect Milk healthy cells from free radical damage. Milk Thistle 300mg can be consumed in order to strengthen the liver.  


Forskolin is a fat burning supplement. Taking in Forskolin 125 mg is very effective. It is available in capsule form. It is derived from Forskohlii Ayurvedic plant and is mainly grown in subtropical as well as temperate regions.  As far as managing weight and cardiovascular health is concerned it works the best. 

The latest researches conducted indicate that this ingredient in the plant play a major role in major cellular functions like muscle relaxing, burning of fat and thyroid function optimization. 

Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength

Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength is a dietary supplement. It supports range of motion as well as elasticity. Glucosamine and Chondroitin help in maintaining as well as supporting the structure of the joints. It basically aids in keeping joint healthy. Assisting in joint flexibility is its major USP. 

Now that you know about all 3 products in detail you will be able to make your choice with ease. It would be advised to use natural products that have been diagnosed for best results in order to avoid the fraud ones in the market. Whenever, you consider buying health supplements, you must first know about the benefits of these supplements in order to grab the best one in the market.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Know more about Curcumin C-3 complex, 5HTP, Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10, Glucosamine

There are certain elements which are naturally produced in our body. However due to our lifestyles imbalances might occur. In order to cover up the paucity one need to consume supplements as per the advice of the physician. Below given are such elements and their importance in detail:

5HTP otherwise referred to as 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid through which neurotransmitter serotonin is made. It is a naturally occurring amino acid. Serotonin plays important roles in several body functions such as pain control, in sleep, intestinal peristalsis, emotional moods and inflammation. Any imbalances in serotonin may cause pain, morning stiffness, disturbances in sleep, headaches, bad appetite and mood disorders. Usually this kind of imbalance is caused due to the way the modern lifestyle has been. This stressed filled-era has brought about such lifestyles and the diets also being not proper had resulted in lower levels of serotonin within the brain. 5-HTP 100 mg capsules are used to increase such low level of serotonin.
Curcumin C-3 complex

Demethoxy curcumin, Bisdemethoy curcumin and Curcumin, the unique composition of these three health promoting, bioactive curcuminoids is referred to as Curcumin C-3 complex .It provides with a wide variety of heath advantages such as joint related problems, digestive support, controlling obesity, breaking down fats and so on. It offers optimal protection and veracity to the biological systems. Curcumin C3 Complex is regarded as the Bioprotectant. The ingredients per supplement include Black pepper fruit, Turmeric root, etc.

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba has been in use since long for thousands of years.  Some other benefits include the improvement of memory, altitude sickness, eye disorders due to age factor, premenstrual syndrome and treatment of decreased physical performance, headache, dizziness, depression, anxiety etc. However it should be used with caution especially among patients with blood circulation disorders and those patients taking
anticoagulants. Have Ginkgo Biloba 120mg which would bring in lot of benefits to the body.
 CoQ10 100mg or Coenzyme Q10, is used for its antioxidant properties and its utility in naturally lowering blood pressure, maintaining good heart conditions, increase energy levels and boost immune system. This naturally occurs in lots of food we consume such as in fish and meat. This is good for athletes, for people recovering from cancer treatment, those people with chronic fatigue syndrome and elderly or aged people.
Glucosamine naturally occurs in the body which helps in building cartilage that cushions the joints in a body.  With age the production of glucosamine reduces ion the body, thus supplementation would be helpful. Glucosamine 750mg supplements are useful to people with osteoarthritis.  Since there is no food source for glucosamine, thus whatever is required must be taken from supplements. Most supplements are made from chitin, the hard outer shells of lobsters, crabs and shrimp. It is also available in other forms for individuals allergic to shellfish.
All these above mentioned elements are required for healthy functioning of body. With doctor’s advice you can consume them in the prescribed amounts the supplements manufactured by reputed a firm.