Wednesday, 20 February 2013

R-alpha lipoic acid, Pycnogenol , Milk Thistle Forskolin, Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength - Beneficial natural health supplements

Consume naturally derived supplements form various trees and plants which are highly beneficial to various parts of the body as well as would prevent certain diseases or cure many of them much effectively than synthetic drugs. So buy the product manufactured by a reputed firm.
R-alpha lipoic acid 
R-alpha lipoic acid is an anti-oxidant that is known to counteract various types of oxygen radicals and associated molecules. It has been applied for diseases like cancer, cataract, DNA damages, change in taste, Parkinson’s diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, dementia etc. R-alpha lipoic acid 100mg can be used for various diseases under doctor’s advice.
Pycnogenol is derived from the bark of French pine tree. It is a natural herbal supplement. It provides antioxidants that can help you in the repairing destroyed skin cells that cause the skin to age or make it red or spoiled due to exposure to UV radiation. Consuming Pycnogenol 100mg also neutralizes high blood pressure caused by stress as well as strengthens blood capillaries and vessel walls preventing the cause of blood clots. It is beneficial to diabetic patients too.
Milk Thistle  

Milk Thistle provides a natural flavonoid complex called silymarin. It is highly advantageous for liver tissues. It is a plant grown in the Mideterranean region. Its seeds consist of Silymarin. It can protect Milk healthy cells from free radical damage. Milk Thistle 300mg can be consumed in order to strengthen the liver. 
Forskolin is a fat burning supplement. Taking in Forskolin 125 mg is very effective. It is available in capsule form. It is derived from Forskohlii Ayurvedic plant and is mainly grown in subtropical as well as temperate regions.  As far as managing weight and cardiovascular health is concerned it works the best.
The latest researches conducted indicate that this ingredient in the plant play a major role in major cellular functions like muscle relaxing, burning of fat and thyroid function optimization.
Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength
Glucosamine Chondroitin triple strength is a dietary supplement. It supports range of motion as well as elasticity. Glucosamine and Chondroitin help in maintaining as well as supporting the structure of the joints. It basically aids in keeping joint healthy. Assisting in joint flexibility is its major USP.
Now that you know about all 3 products in detail you will be able to make your choice with ease. It would be advised to use natural products that have been diagnosed for best results in order to avoid the fraud ones in the market. Whenever, you consider buying health supplements, you must first know about the benefits of these supplements in order to grab the best one in the market.

Monday, 18 February 2013

5HTP Supplements to boost serotonin levels in the body

It is always a Lehman belief that one would get all the nutrients from the food that they eat. However it is important to know that food is not enough but you also require mineral and vitamin supplements. You need to figure out which are the essential nutrients you require that you do not get from your regular diet. You may realize at one point that you do have some vitamin deficiency.   
However there is also a limit as to how much supplements you can consume. However necessary amount of add- on are required for your daily diet. One such useful stuff is 5HTP supplements. 5HTP is a natural amino acid that is part of the group which has the presence of tryptophan. This would help you to enhance your mood as well as increase the serotonin levels. A person feels irritated or may have joint pain or may even feel tired when the serotonin levels are down. 5HTP can raise the brain sensors which can help in depression. It cannot be consumed daily nevertheless you can monitor the levels as to when you need it. When you feel low as per physician’s advice you can take a dosage of these nutrients.

This also promotes a peaceful sleep at night which would help your body especially the brain to slow down and relax completely. Most of the time the body stress is due to getting lack of proper sleep.  These foods have high fat content so without the advice of doctor they should never be consumed.
Without thorough research it is not easy to cure completely any disease. This way we can help our bodies reach a level where we need not expose our body to detrimental chemicals and treatments.
Easily available, reasonable and resourceful, 5HTP is ideal for people having anxiousness, depression, insomnia and alike conditions. If you are fighting one or more of these there are high chances that no or very less amount of serotonin is there in your body. However the right dosage of 5htp supplements is the key to this. 

Prior to zeroing in on any brands or dosage you should conduct a proper research before purchasing it as well as get advice from the doctor. There are consumers who take these additional stuff along with Ginkgo Biloba .
There are consumers who show better results with less dosage. These enhancements are available in pills and capsules. Though it is regarded as most it should never be consumed without prior medical advice. This is required in case of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and for those who are aging. 
While some get desired outcomes with initial dosage others do not show any symptom improvement till some serotonin is not stored in the body. Prior to getting the effects the supplement need to be consumed for several days. In case it shows no apt results then the dosage should be slowly increased eventually.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

L Theanine to give you extensive relaxation

A mental and physical being is fatally affected due to excess stress. This can reduce self esteem, reduce interpersonal qualities thereby creating a situation of self blame and self doubt. Everyone gets affected due to stress in various ways. One should be careful about the various stress signs they develop. Stress is visible through thoughts, feelings, psychological behavior and so on. Use L theanine to relax yourself completely. 
You criticize yourself, getting forgetful, unable to concentrate, fear, embarrassment, moody, headache, pain in neck or back, dry mouth are common stress signs.  Stress is an inevitable part of our lives which is difficult to eliminate. Managing family, juggling work, children, friends, society and lot of other things lead to stress. Stress is not restricted with age. Anyone can have it.
In today’s busy world we hardly get full eight hours of sleep. Several researches have shown that L-theanine can give you a good sleep. It actually improves a person’s temper, enhances concentration as well as reduces stress. It also has the ability to strengthen the immune system as it can activate the disease -fighting power of gamma delta T cells. Various researches have proved that people taking theanine show a better alpha wave activity. This is an activity present in human body when he is not stressed but alert.  

It has been discovered that tea leaves consist of an amino acid called L-theanine which has a good relaxing effect. This amino acid is also fruitful in eradicating anxiety as well as stress without any harm to the user.  You would be in a relaxed condition thereby producing other amino acids like GABA, dopamine and tryptophan. Generally physicians advice a dose of this as one capsule per day which would yield more dopamine. This would give a feeling of extensive relaxation.
Theanine has proved to be beneficial for cancer treatments especially for those undertaking chemotherapy.  It basically concentrates the chemotherapy drugs around unhealthy ones as well as reduces in those which are healthy. Due to the calming effect of this the side effects of chemotherapy is less felt.
L-Theanine  benefits also expand to the vascular system. It also helps to lower blood pressure in individuals who have high blood pressure. It does not influence normal blood pressure. L-Theanine crossesthe blood brain barrier in order to increase vigilance as well as arouse production of neurons and dopamine. It strengthens the immune system as well as have an overall impact on heart’s health.  

Apparently it just has a few drawbacks. Particularly in case of pregnant women, individuals with various health complications and children should always take advice of doctors before talking any supplements. Theanine also benefits the cholesterol levels. It helps in LDL concentrations to remain standard instead of undertaking an oxidation. In simple words good cholesterol is balanced with bad cholesterol. In short, it means keeping good cholesterol in balance with bad cholesterol.

Benfotiamine is also a thiamine required for the body. At times both of these are recommended by the doctor simultaneously.

How can CoQ 10 vitamin be beneficial to you?

What is CoQ 10 vitamin? Is it beneficial to our health? However keep yourself informed about its value to the body. Every human body cell’s mitochondria contain CoQ10. This is also known by the other name Ubiquinol. This means "all over" which indicates the complete presence of this vitamin in the body. 

So what are the functions of this vitamin in the human body? It basically helps in the transforming of food energy into energy which is used by the body in order to perform major functions. Approximately 95% of the body’s energy supply is transformed with the help of this particular vitamin like substance.  Organs like heart and liver have highest concentration level of this substance as they require energy the most. The other body parts that require high energy include muscles, brain and legs. This is basically an anti oxidant which is also used as a supplement in the diet. This is primarily used to boost energy levels in the body.
It is also known for supporting the major organ- the human heart in the following manner:
The supplements act as work as a protective agent for the heart.
It is believed by the scientists that it can repair the damaged heart as well as support healthy functions of heart.
These supplements are also used a widely used as a concrete measure so as to safeguard against disorders of the heart.
It regulates blood pressure
It is also known to support skin health, performance of the brain performance, vision, oral health as well as gives immunity. 

This fact cannot be ignored that COQ10 vitamin supports the basic bio energetic function of the heart. It has also been noted that people who have bad cholesterol suffer from low concentrated levels of this as the medication itself reduces its level. These supplements are required in order to compensate for the body’s need of this vitamin.
This is manufactured by the body till one age till twenty. After this the amount manufactured is reduced. When you get older you tend to suffer from the low levels of this. Other factors that reduce the level include use of pain killers. 
There are several manufacturers selling both Coq10 vitamin and MSM supplement. With the physician’s advice you should include this in your diet. 

Though this is not a vitamin in the strict sense of the term it is a substance like vitamin which is required in minimal amounts in order to keep the body functioning well. You should go for one that would provide you the required amount of supplements with no other side effects.