Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Top 3 Best Selling Health Supplements You Must Know

Nowadays the market provides a range of health supplements for weight management and for your overall health issues. Here in this article, we will highlight on three best selling health supplements- Ginkgo Biloba, L-Carnosine and Forslean. We will know about their benefits and uses out here.

There is no doubt that heath supplements are the most sought after products by people around the world. Whether you from the United States or anywhere else in the world, it would be important to consider the important facts related to any particular supplement or product before you choose to buy it. This is a straightforward and simple way to enable yourself to take an informed decision, especially when it comes to proper health maintenance.


This is a popular weight loss supplement in the market. A product of Sabinsa Corporation, Forslean is a “patented phytonutrient”. This phytonutrient will be beneficial for weight management as it helps promote the lean body mass. The major active ingredient found in Forslean is root extracts of the Coleus Forskohlii. Forslean is used to treat a wide variety of health related problems. These include weight loss enhancement. You can easily order this weight loss supplement online. It is available at a price of $15.99 for 120 tablets. As per the manufacturers, Forslean capsules should be consumed 2 a day while exercising 3 times a week and following a very sensible diet. However, it is advised not to take this product if you have low blood pressure or taking some type of anti-asthmatic medicine or if you are breast feeding.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is counted amongst the best-selling herbs in the US. This herb is used for the treatment of several health conditions. From the available evidences, it suggests that Ginkgo Biloba is effective in management of the intermittent claudication, multi-infarct dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral insufficiency. It must be cautiously used by patients those with blood clotting disorders or on dental or surgical procedure or on anticoagulant therapy.


Also known as a super antioxidant or anti aging supplement, L-Carnosine is used as an exciting anti-aging super antioxidant that fights the age related changes in muscles, brain, skin and in other tissues. Carnosine has been scientifically well-documented as a nutritional and non-toxic natural supplement.

Carnosine has become a fundamental treatment for people belonging to all ages and particularly those people approaching 40 and beyond that. This is amino acid which in found in poultry, red meat and sea food. The real value of the carnosine supplementation is known for about 10 years. However, people have learned about the benefits in the last 1 or 2 years.

At present in the US and in the United Kingdom, most nutritionist and anti-aging specialists recommend Carnosine as a useful supplement. Carnosine usually comes in the form of capsule with 1 tablet offers 500 mg of Carnosine. No adverse side effects have been reported so far and this can well be used with the other supplements.

A Note on Natural Health Supplements

Natural health supplements help you to optimize your health. The health supplements are found everywhere on the Internet and in your nearest drug stores as well. Whether you are in the UK or US or anywhere else in the world, it will be important to take a note of the popular natural health supplements in the market. In this article, we will discuss about Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coq10 vitamin, Curcumin and Benfotiamine.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

People use the alpha lipoic acid in peripheral neuropathy, brain function, age related conditions and others. It’s an anti-oxidant which neutralizes the potentially harmful free radicals. What makes the apha lipoic acid unique is its effectiveness to recycle the antioxidants like glutathione and vitamin C. It is water and fat soluble as well. This means that it can function all throughout the body.

The anti-oxidants in body are primarily used to attack the free radicals. However, evidences even suggest that the alpha lipoic acid can help regenerate the other antioxidants and in making them active. Several studies suggest that Alpha lipoic acid is useful in helping lower the levels of blood sugar. It also has the ability to kill the free radicals and assist people with the diabetic peripheral neuropathy or with tingling, itching, burning, pain, numbness in legs and arms from the nerve damage.

Coq10 vitamin

The Coq10 vitamin is a fat-soluble, vitamim like antioxidant which is found everywhere in the body. Several clinical studies have clearly shown that Coq10 vitamin or supplementation is beneficial in treating diverse disease conditions that range from cataracts to Parkinson’s disease. The dosage normally ranges from 30 mg to about 1200 mg regularly. About 6 clinical trials have also shown that Coq10 can lower the blood pressure. It has also been explored that the medication can help in the treatment of the chronic renal failure. The other health benefits of the same include treatment of the gum disease, enhancing the function of the immune system, helping treat the heart disease and high blood pressure, stabilize the levels of blood sugars of people with diabetes. It even provides effective results as an energy booster for people those dealing with fatigue.


Curcuma longa or curcumin is known for providing herbal remedies. Research has highlighted the importance of the curcumin used in the diet. It has been well documented that the rates of cancer in India are quite lower than those seen in the countries in the West. More than 680 studies have been conducted which shows the remarkable anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant properties of the same. This is used as a pain reliever and as an anti-inflammatory agent to relieve inflammation and pain in the muscles and skin. It can also be used as a treatment for menstrual difficulties, jaundice, hemorrhage, hematuria, flatulence, etc.


Benphothiamine or benfotiamine has been marketed as lipid soluable form of the thiamine. Certain preliminary studies even indicate that it can be useful in the diabetic neuropathy and to minimize the micro-vascular damage from the blood sugar. Benfotiamine can prevent micro and macrovascular endothelial dysfunction and it oxidative the stress. There is even a possibility that the benfotiamine pills can be helpful in the diabetic neuropathy and several other conditions caused due to the high levels of blood sugar especially those who have diabetes problems.

Information on Natural Health Supplements- Top 3 Listed Out Here

Health supplements can provide several benefits. You can obtain maximum health benefits if you know about the top health supplements that can boost your system, provide nutritional benefits and lower blood pressure and cholesterol naturally. Get all the facts so that you can find answers to all your queries about improving your own health naturally through vitamin and diet supplements. Here we will discuss about L-Theanine (anxiety and stress relief), Milk Thistle (gallbladder and liver treatment), Pycnogenol (anti-aging).


L-Theanine is a popular supplement which includes some amazing and unique properties. Green tea is considered to have the largest concentration of the L-Theanine. This helps improve mood and reduce the stress. Theanine has been indicated as a safe and effectivesupplement by the Japanese in the year 1964. It is widely popular as a mind relaxant including several attractive properties. This is found to improve the dopamine in the humans. Dopamine is a type of naturally occurring chemical present in the brain that is released during the pleasant activities.

Research even indicates that L-Theanine includes other advantages. It even plays a major role in minimizing the cholesterol level and helps improve the efficacy of the cancer treatments by means of decreasing the total amount of the cancer drug in healthy cells while focusing drug on the cancerous cells.

Milk Thistle

It is reported that Milk Thistle has been in use for more than 2000 years or so. It is more common for treatment of the gallbladder disorders and liver. Silymarin which is called a flavonoid complex is extracted from milk thistle seeds and is believed to have been a biologically active component. The products of Milk Thistle are quite popular in the United States and in Europe for different kinds of liver disease.

Milk Thistle supplements can be effective for the chronic hepatitis. But more studies are required for examining the benefits and effectiveness of the supplements in such conditions. Some of the preliminary studies even suggest the use of supplements for people suffering from cirrhosis. It can even improve the liver function. In this respect as well, more studies needs to be conducted as cirrhosis and milk thistle are shown to be have been designed poorly. In all over Europe, the Milk Thistle has been reported administered to patients with liver problems primarily.


Pycnogenol is a natural health supplement which is derived from pine bark of trees known as the Pinus Pinaster. The active ingredients found in the products are also extracted from various other sources like grape seed, peanut skin and even witch hazel bark.

Pycogenol is also used for treatment of allergies, circulation problems, asthma, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, pain, soreness in muscles, diabetes, deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This can be used for preventing disorder of the blood vessels and heart, including other heart ailments, stroke and varicose veins. It is also used for slowing down the process of aging and maintaining healthy skin, improving the athletic endurance and improving the male fertility. Some skin creams in the market today also contain pycnogenal as the anti-aging products.